Riviera Lazeri

What must necessarily be in a resume? Maybe I should start from my bedroom window in Albania, where I could glimpse the sea and I could hear the ships’ sirens fading away in the distance. I was five when I swapped that window for the small porthole of a music stand...

Milo Vannelli

My first school year with Roberto Frati, at the Music Academy in Florence, was quite traumatic. I didn’t make progress, and I didn’t know why. Still I studied! I used my time and passion but I didn’t get what was wrong, until when, on a summer course, Marco Falaschi –...

Cartoon Fantasy

A long time ago in 1940 Disney Productions shocked the world with an animated film that ‘put into pictures’ some of the most famous pieces of classical music. The film could have been called “The Animated Concert”. Someone had the happy idea to call it “Fantasia” and...

Concert Movie

SteelWind is a saxophone quartet with a solid grounding in classical music including experience with world-renowned conductors and orchestras, this is augmented further by their curiosity and their capacity to experiment. The group follows the music suitably composed...

The American Style

A double portrait of the two most important American composers; Gershwin with ‘An American in Paris’ and ‘Porgy and Bess’, and Bernstein with ‘West Side Story’, reimagined for the playful nature of the sax quartet. P. Glass “Quartet”, movimento IG....


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