A retrospective of minimalism lies at the heart of this programme, with pieces by world-famous composers such as Nyman, Glass, Mertens and Jacob TV. The success of these great composers is due to an approachable and memorable musical style with roots in tonality and...


A look back at Italian music through ouvertures, arias from the Opera and pieces from every genre and musical era.  Amilcare Ponchielli – Dance of the Hours Giacomo Puccini – Tosca, Selections  Giuseppe Verdi – Traviata, Prelude Giuseppe Verdi –...


A homage to the various composers of sacred works in the history of music. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi – Stabat Mater Alessandro Stradella – Aria di chiesa Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Requiem A.L.Webber  – Requiem Gioacchino Rossini...


The new CD by SteelWind with original music, written by Roberto Frati, that traces the history of both Rock and Prog Rock. Black coloursMotherDream of you (per Riviera)In memoriamAlpenachtLandscapeTempus Fugit


The tangos of Astor Piazzola carefully arranged in a chamber music setting are the main feature of this programme, rich in pathos and melancholy. Astor Piazzolla: AlevareEscualoBandoneonContramilonga a la funeralaFuga y misterioAmelitangoClose your eyes and...


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