What’s your name?
What’s in a name?

Where do you live?
In Tuscany.

Precisely so.

What kind of music do you usually listen to?
You said short answers, so what kind of question is this supposed to be?

When you answer with a question is it because you’re annoyed?
Of course not, I’m only joking.

Do you like joking?
It depends.

Where did you start playing?
In my town band.

And then?
In lots of other places.

Can you tell me some?
There’s Google for that, right? Isn’t it better to chat?

Why the soprano sax among the four?
It’s the most bashful, it’s got its time and keeps everyone at a distance. Then I like travelling light.

Would you suggest a piece of music?
Mozart’s Sonata No. 11 in A major.

A film?
Howl’s Moving Castle.

Isn’t it a cartoon?
Then you had to be more specific.


A thing you enjoy doing?
Picking wild mushrooms.

A word for Steelwind?

What surprises you?

What makes you angry?
Getting angry.

A solving thing?

A very important word?
It depends.

Didn’t you have to write a resume?
Yeah, but they’re boring… and they don’t usually say much.

Do these questions say much?
No, but at least they’re not boring.

But didn’t they ask you to say more after your first draft?
Yes, but it seemed I had gone back to school to write a composition. They give you a title, a subject… then I get stuck and don’t write a single line.

Don’t you like writing?
Quite the reverse!

How do we end this?

Was it a question?
It depends.

Iacopo Sammartano


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